Seolha Lee


Urban Governance
Data Science
Critical Design
Interactions between
Human - Place - Technology



Hi, I am Seolha Lee, a PhD candidate in Informatics at the University of California, Irvine.

In my research, I examine the politics of data in local governance through ethnographic and design engagements with various organizations shaping our public lives — municipal governments, government tech vendors, non-profit community development organizations, and more.

By revealing how these actors negotiate what data can and should do in governments, I speculate on rooms for transformative actions within governing institutions to rebuild them for democracy and justice.

Before I joined the current program, I studied urban planning at Georgia Tech, focusing on urban data analytics to understand urban communities’ social networks and activities.

I have also practiced as a strategic designer/data analyst in urban planning organizations in South Korea and the US. There, I first encountered the frustration and fascination of the messy negotiations around data and power in governance.

These experiences across urban data analytics and participatory planning have invited me to tackle the conflicting values and interests manifested through disparate approaches to data: qualitative and quantitative; objective and subjective: top-down and bottom-up, and more.


Lee, S., and Dourish, P. 2024. Rewiring Data Relations: Institutional data infrastructure for social justice. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 8, CSCW2

Lee, S., Warren, R., Mazmanian, M. 2024. Efficient Service Provider or Committed Social Reformer?: Governmental Data Storytelling around City Data Projects. Big Data & Society (Under review)

Lee, S., Le Dantec, C. 2023. More Than a Property: Place-based Meaning Making and Mobilization on Social Media to Resist Gentrification. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 7, CSCW1

Liang, X., Lee, S., Chen, H., de la Peña, B., Andris, C. 2022. Characteristics of Jetters and Little Boxes: An Extensibility Study Using the Neighborhood Connectivity Survey. Social Inclusion

Chande, A., Lee, S., Harris, M., Nguyen, Q., Beckett, S., Hilley, T., Andris, C., Weitz, J. 2020. Real-time, Interactive Website for US-county-level COVID-19 Event Risk Assessment. Nature Human Behavior

Lee, D., Lee, S. 2019. Inferring the Character of Urban Commercial Areas from Age-biased Online Search Results: How Place Recommendation Data Can Reveal Dynamic Seoul Neighborhoods. UbiComp/ISWC Adjunct


The Anti-Racist Government Reform in the Accountability Trap: A Comparative Study of Equity-centered Initiatives in the US City Governments. Lee, S., Dourish, P. 4S-EASST, 2024, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Data for Productive Friction: Institutional data infrastructure for social justice. Lee, S., Dourish, P. 4S, 2023, Honolulu, US.

Interrupting Governments’ Data Performance: Critical Reading of Government Data Narratives as a Strategy to Empower Communities in Data-driven Cities. Lee, S., Warren, R., Mazmanian, M. Data Justice Conference, 2023, Cardiff, UK.

How Urban Activism Evolves with Social Media: A Case Study of the Anti-Redevelopment Activism in Seoul, South Korea. Lee, S. American Association of Geographers 2022 Annual Meeting, 2022

Estimating Diversity at Points of Interest (POIs) in Atlanta, Georgia using Origin-Destination Trip Data. Lee, S., Andris, C. Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) 2021 Annual Conference, 2021, Virtual.


PhD in Informatics

University of California, Irvine, 2021-Present Graduate Feminist Emphasis

Master in City and Regional Planning

Georgia Institute of Technology, 2019-2021

BSc in Civil and Environmental Engineering

Seoul National University, 2014-2019, Summa Cum Laude
Minor in Geography

Research Experience

Research Fellow, University of California - Irvine

Steckler Center for Responsible, Ethical, and Accessible Technology (CREATE) 2023-

Leading research where I examine how local governments adopt data-driven technology to policy decisions to improve social justice and equity

Graduate Researcher, University of California - Irvine

Department of Informatics 2021-2023

Leading research where I examine how local governments adopt data-driven technology to policy decisions to improve social justice and equity

Graduate Research Assistant, Georgia Tech

Friendly Cities Lab (Lead: Dr. Clio Andris), School of City and Regional Planning 2019-2021

Conducted computational research on social networks and flows in cities and their impact on spatial behaviors

Research Intern, KAIST

Maturepolis Lab (Lead: Dr. David Lee), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 2018

Studied the demographic pattern in commercial districts using search engine data and card transaction data.

Professional Experience

Atlanta Regional Commission, Intern

Atlanta, GA, US 2020

Team: Research & Analytics, Transportation & Mobility Services (Joint)

  • Technical support to improve public access to urban data
  • Spatial analysis for equitable commuting regarding COVID-19

YANJI.CO.LTD., Urban Planner / GIS Analyst

Seoul, South Korea 2017-2019

  • Designed and implemented interactive media for participatory planning workshops
  • Spatial Analysis for strategic design of public spaces

Teaching Experience

Teacher’s assistant

University of California - Irvine, Irvine, CA, US 2021

ICS 5: Global Disruption and Information Technology